Monday, May 07, 2018

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Obviously disappointed at the Bruins losing their series to Tampa Bay yesterday. However, the team has an excellent young core of players and gives us fans reason to be hopeful for next season and beyond... No matter how many times I watch - this always cracks me up... Who knew? The last battle of the Civil War, the Battle of Palmito Ranch was a Confederate victory... I'm a fan of Tim Tebow but my gut tells me that even a September call-up by the Mets would backfire. Yes Tebow would put fannies in the seats but the back-page backlash of the cash-grab move would negate anything positive to come from it... Very cool... Modern Americans don't know either the horror that was grisly ax murders or the horror of pay toilets. I don't know which one was worse... General Eisenhower's understated message proclaiming victory in Europe from this day in 1945...

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